On May 7, 2018, I went to the doctor for my regular checkup.  I weighed in at 159 pounds!!  Now, I’m only 5′ 1″ so that was too much for me, and I declared that 160 would not see me!!

I immediately pulled out this 7-day diet that my sister, Anita gave me several years ago (I kept it just in case I would ever need it!  Thank God!!).

Today is July 22, 2018, and I now weigh 152!!  My goal is 145 to 150.  This diet is fantastic!!  My husband started using it sometime after I did.  He was at 192 pounds.  Today, he weighs 182!!

This is a vegetable soup that you can eat anytime you are hungry.  We cheat a little bit and have some of the foods that we like in addition to the soup.  But we always eat the soup!  Since I’m a breast cancer survivor, I use all organic ingredients, and I make it in a BIG pot—enough to last at least one week.  Here’s the recipe:

32 oz. chicken broth

32 oz. beef or vegetable broth

2 lbs. carrots

1 bunch celery

2 cans diced tomatoes

2 bags frozen green beans

2 bell peppers

1 bunch green onions

Ketchup (to suit your taste)

Seasonings to suit your taste

DRINKS YOU MAY HAVE – Water, coffee, tea, cranberry juice, skim milk unsweetened juices.

FOOD/DRINKS YOU CANNOT HAVE – Bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks, diet drinks, fried foods.


DAY 1 – Eat only soup and fruit.  No bananas.  Cantaloupe and watermelon are lower in calories than other fruits.

DAY 2 – All vegetables.  No beans, peas or corn.  Eat the soup.  You may also have a baked potato with butter.  No fruits.

DAY 3 – Eat only the soup, fruits and vegetables.  You should have lost at least three pounds.

DAY 4 – Eat at least three bananas and as much skim milk as you can today, along with the soup.  Your body will need the potassium and carbs.  Don’t give in to the cravings for sweets!

DAY 5 – Beef and tomatoes.  You may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes (or as many as six tomatoes).  Eat the soup at least once today.

DAY 6 – Beef and vegetables (as much as you want).  You can even have two to three steaks, with green, leafy vegetables, but no baked potato.  Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.

DAY 7 – Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, and vegetables—as much as you want.  By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds.  If you have lost more than 17 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming it again.

WE CHEATED!!  We’re not interested in DRASTIC weight loss—just slow, but steady weight loss to get to our target weight.

My husband used to eat at least 14 pieces of bread every week.  He now eats about three or four pieces of bread a week.  He still drinks his beer and wine, but not as much.  We used to eat pizza and KFC about once every 10 days or so; we’ve had pizza and KFC about twice since we’ve been on this diet.  I used to eat a BIG scoop of ice cream every night; I now have a SMALL scoop about three or four times a week.

If nothing else, this new way of eating will teach you to modify the way you eat.  You’ll think about gaining more weight, and that’s NOT what you want!!

EXERCISE! – We’re not exercise fanatics, but we will get on the treadmill, do crunches, stretches, planks, etc., on an irregular (when we feel like it) basis.  And we take wheat grass, vitamins, and minerals EVERY DAY to make sure that our bodies get the necessary nutrients!

It took a long time to get to your UNDESIRABLE weight, so be patient with yourself!!



About Line of Serenity (Joyce Fields)

As a thought leader for today's generation, I choose to be part of the solution and am doing things that positively impact people's lives. In addition to being a happy, married (since 1967!) woman, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, I have over 40 years' experience in "Corporate America": Stenographer, Secretary, Supervisor, Analyst, Office Manager, Executive Assistant. I am also a professional proofreader and the author of 10 books (mostly non-fiction)--http://www.GoodShortBooks.com).
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