ENTERTAINING, PROVOCATIVE EXCERPT: “The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go. . .”

In this book, I state that, based on MY experiences and observations, “80% of the success of a relationship rests on the shoulders of the woman.” The book explains why.

Here’s an entertaining, provocative excerpt from

“The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go (among other things)”


What is a “fault”? Well, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, a “fault” is “Something that prevents perfection.”

When women get together, if the discussion turns to male/female relationships and men’s behavior and faults (and it almost always does), I have never heard a woman make any statement relative to the fact that her man has to put up with her faults. From listening to women, you’d think that females don’t have faults.

Just as women can say, “He would be perfect if it wasn’t for this, and this, and this, and this,” obviously, men can say, “She would be perfect if it wasn’t for this, and this, and this, and this.” We all have faults that can range from slightly funny to downright hilarious, as well as slightly irritating to nearly intolerable.

Many women could learn more about themselves if they would ask their men what they (the men) see as their (the women’s) worse faults. Typically, we can’t clearly see our own. Men or women. It’s all about tolerance and communication—if either of you can’t take living with the other’s faults, you’ve got to talk about it. But remember—it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

And you have to give specific examples. I always say that we are obligated to tell each other what we see that we think is not right or not healthy for the person or the relationship. The other person is obligated to listen carefully. But, we have to remember that no one is obligated to change. Many times the behavior will improve because you both are aware and watching. But you can’t get mad if no change is made. You did your part; the rest is up to the other person.

Want more of this fun, entertaining, HONEST read, written by a woman who has been married for nearly 50 years (with her man for 60 years)?

Order “The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go (among other things)” at https://goo.gl/2WSB93. 64 pages (includes 21 pages of delicious recipes) for $9.99!!

Make an investment in your present relationship or your NEXT relationship and



The Best Way to Keep a Man cover 082614

About Line of Serenity (Joyce Fields)

As a thought leader for today's generation, I choose to be part of the solution and am doing things that positively impact people's lives. In addition to being a happy, married (since 1967!) woman, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, I have over 40 years' experience in "Corporate America": Stenographer, Secretary, Supervisor, Analyst, Office Manager, Executive Assistant. I am also a professional proofreader and the author of 10 books (mostly non-fiction)--http://www.GoodShortBooks.com).
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2 Responses to ENTERTAINING, PROVOCATIVE EXCERPT: “The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go. . .”

  1. Sandra Garth says:

    It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Truer words have never been spoken. Our 41st anniversary is the end of June and we are still learning about each other. Time changes and so do we. One thing I have definitely learned is that the only person we can change is ourselves. Thank you for sharing this excerpt.

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